Banking Law and Regulation

Iris Chiu & Joanna Wilson
Release date:14 February 2019
Publisher:Oxford University Press
Price:€ 54,45

Banking Law and Regulation is the ideal textbook to accompany a modern course at undergraduate and post-graduate levels. A truly contemporary textbook, it fully addresses the current landscape of banking law and regulation post the 2008 financial crisis.

Coverage is expertly balanced between transactional, regulatory, and private law topics across UK banking law, as well as European and international law, ensuring that this book covers everything needed for a full understanding. Packed with features, including diagrams, questions, key takeaways, and key bibliographies, student learning is supported and consolidated.

Iris Chiu

Iris H-Y Chiu, Professor of Company Law and Financial Regulation, University College London specializes in corporate governance, company law, and financial regulation. She currently teaches at the UCL Faculty of Law and previously taught at King’s College London and the University of Leicester.

Joanna Wilson

Dr. Joanna Wilson, Lecturer in Commercial Law, University of Sussex specializes in banking regulation and currently teaches at the University of Sussex. She was previously a Teaching Fellow at University College London.