29 Mar

Artificial Intelligence, the next shift in risk and finance

De Zilveren Toren, Amsterdam

Riskmanagement 3.0 with Artificial Intelligence. Do you want to know how the industry leaders in risk and finance are implementing Artificial Intelligence for a more efficient risk and regulatory management? Are you interested to be on the forefront of the paradigm shift in risk and finance? Discover the added value, implementation possibilities and risks of A.I. in finance and risk at the A.I. Event in Amsterdam on the 29th of March!

Learn from the experiences of industry leaders such as ABN Amro Bank,  ING, Rabobank, APG, Risk Quest and many more and enhance your practice by gaining insight of Artificial Intelligence beyond the hype.

Presented case studies:
• The innovation of asset management with A.I.
• Digital transformation of riskmanagement
• Early warnings & fraud detection
• A.I. in a regulatory environment with ING
• Blockchain & A.I. as decentralized Artificial IntelligenceRed

Readers of the Risk & Compliance Platform Europe can benefit from 20 percent discount by using the following code : 70161RKP.

Visit the website for more details.