Reducing Behavioural Risk in the dealing room
This whitepaper touches on a number of issues relating to dealing room behaviours, based on recent developments in the enforcement arena (Libor) and in regulatory guidance and expectation. Possible scenarios for management involve the observation and monitoring of behaviours. It is important to debate the issues, which are complex and cross the divide of regulatory expectation and modern behavioural risk management. Developments in the field are moving fast and will raise many complex compliance and (risk) management challenges for firms.The challenge is to quickly recognize when behaviour poses an unacceptable risk to the firm and its senior management. Complex firms face greater challenges. This is something distinct from fundamentally changing behaviours in dealing room environments a topic which should be approached with caution. First there must a focus on understanding and mitigating behavioural risk.
Timeliness is increasingly being defined as: immediately or near to immediately, because of the speed of the market and the technology that supports the market.